hardhat ignition with script working with testnet but failed with localhost node network

when i run with testnet i get this


but when i run with localhost node i get this


and this is my node console when i using localhost node network


this is my deploy.js code

const SimpleStorage = require('../ignition/modules/SimpleStorage');

async function main() {
  console.log('Deploying contract...');
  const { simpleStorage } = await hre.ignition.deploy(SimpleStorage);
  console.log(`SimpleStorage deployed to: ${await simpleStorage.getAddress()}`);

  const currentValue = await simpleStorage.retrieve();
  const currentValueToString = currentValue.toString();

  console.log(`Current value is: ${currentValueToString}`);

  console.log('Updating value...');
  const transactionResponse = await simpleStorage.store(4);
  await transactionResponse.wait();

  const updatedValue = await simpleStorage.retrieve();
  const updatedValueToString = updatedValue.toString();

  console.log(`Updated value is: ${updatedValueToString}`);


i already read this documentation but it not helping
