JavaScript IntelliSense on React component sub-functions does not work

PS: yes, I already tested many configurations and things I found here, like this topic: VSCode Intellisense, snippets, suggestions are not working in JSX, TSX files

None of them are reporting exactly my case, and also nothing I tried solved the issue (not even sure if IS an issue or just a limitation)

The “issue”

I noted that no matter what, the IntelliSense only works on some particular places inside a React file (JS or JSX, doesn’t matter)
Check the image below:

enter image description here

As you can see, it seems that IntelliSense only engages when it detects the JS properly, inside a return. But for some reason the exact same method inside a function declaration at the top has no widget/tooltip, and neither the autocomplete/autosuggests work.

  • I checked the built-in extension, it’s enabled. I restarted it for good measure, no change.
  • I tested multiple configurations and extensions, most are related to full file support from years ago (nowadays, the support is native)
  • I tested restarting VS Code in “safe mode” and reset all my settings.json, same behavior.

Hopefully anyone has any tips on how to get this working – maybe a config I don’t know, maybe a custom extension, not sure.
