JS Class methods scope – in Playwright

I use Playwright JS for automation using VSCODE.
Used Page Obj method to support multiple page/component in application & also test required multiple webpage to be opened so used constructor to assign page

In VSCode , intellisense for class methods is working only in beforeEach block where constructor is invoked. In test block intellisence is not working, pressing ctrl+click on method name pop-ups as “any” , its not showing method defination.
I am missing some config, please suggest me what I missing here

In page1.js

class page1Class {
     async func1(){
          console.log("This is function1");
module.exports = page1Class ;

In page2.js

export default  class page2Class extends page1Class  {
     async page2func2(){
          console.log("This is function2 PAGE 2");
module.exports = page2Class ;

In test files test.spec.js

import page2Class from "../../../pages/page2.js";
let webpage;

test.beforeEach(async({context}) =>{
    webpage= new page2Class (await context.newPage());
    await webpage.page2func2();
    await webpage.func1();

//Test works fine , but in VSCODE I cannot navigate to function definition (using ctrl+click) , its popsup as any 
test("test", async() =>{
    await webpage.page2func2();
    await webpage.func1();

In VSCODE in beforeEach block using ctrl+click navigates to function defination, but I cannot navigate to function definition (using ctrl+click) , its popsup as any