Import/export between PixiJS UI and typed-signals

My target is to use PixiJS UI (version 2.1.2) to place an input field at a canvas that is drawn by PixiJS (version 8.2.0).

The part with just PixiJS works fine, but I don’t get the import for @pixi/ui to run.
The Firefox says this: “Uncaught SyntaxError: ambiguous indirect export: Signal”
and the Chromium says this: SyntaxError: The requested module 'typed-signals' does not provide an export named 'Signal' (at pixi-ui.mjs:9:209) with this line highlighted: import {Signal as v} from "typed-signals";.

For the library “typed-signals” (version 2.5.0) there is only a file index.js and index.d.ts, but no index.mjs with explicit export statements.

As far as I understand the import/export topic in JavaScript, a workaround could be to write an index.mjs with re-export statements on my own. But I guess that it’s not the intended way of getting this to work.

This is my JavaScript code:

import { Application as Application, Text as Text } from 'pixi.js';
import { Button as Button } from '@pixi/ui';

(async () => {
// Draw a green canvas
const app = new Application();
await app.init({ width: 300, height: 300, backgroundColor: 0x00ff00 })

// Create a button
const button = new Button();
button.onPress.connect(() => console.log('Button pressed!') );
// [...] Do some other stuff

And this is my HTML code with the importmap:

<!doctype html>
<script type="importmap">
{"imports": {
    "pixi.js": "",
    "eventemitter3": "",
    "earcut": "",
    "@pixi/colord": "",
    "@pixi/colord/plugins/names": "",
    "@xmldom/xmldom": "",
    "parse-svg-path": "",
    "ismobilejs": "",
    "tweedle.js": "",
    "typed-signals": "",
    "@pixi/ui": ""
<script src="myCanvasApp.js" type="module"></script>

The JavaScript libraries I got via npm install [library name].
It seems that @pixi/ui brings its own “typed-signals” (within a subfolder) so that “typed-signals” is not in the latest version 3.0.0 but in version 2.5.0. My importmap regards this.

Any idea how I can get the import/export between PixiJS UI and typed-signals set up (… and thereby PixiJS UI to run)?