Implement a Delete Button to Delete each List Item with JS and HTML

I have a HTML file where I have to enter some data in a form. The data should be added into a item:

<div id="recipe-list">
        <ul id="recipes"></ul>

I have to implement a function to add and display the data from the form into the unordered list. This is such function:

function addRecipe(recipe) {
    const {title, ingredients, instructions} = recipe;
    if (title && ingredients && instructions) {

And this is the function to display every new set of data entered:

function displayRecipes() {
    // Write your code here for task 3
    const recipesList = document.getElementById('recipes');
    recipesList.innerHTML = '';
    for (const recipe of recipes) {
        const recipeItem = document.createElement('li');
        const optionButtons = document.createElement('li');
        const deleteButton = document.createElement('button')
        deleteButton.textContent = 'Delete';
        deleteButton.addEventListener("click", deleteRecipe(recipes[1]));
        recipeItem.innerText =
        Ingredients: ${recipe.ingredients}
        Instructions: ${recipe.instructions}

Every new set of data should also come with a Delete button which of course requires a delete function. This is the delete Function:

function deleteRecipe(index){
    if (index >= 0 && index < recipes.length) {
        recipes.splice(index, 1); // Remove 1 element at the specified index
        isEditMode = false;     

I already managed to display all the data such as title, ingredients and instructions but I’m stuck at the Delete button. I can’t figure out how to make it work so that I can delete the entire item entered into the unordered list.

Can anybody help?