Tic-Tac-Toe How to change gameboard array

I’m currently working on a Tic-Tac-Toe game for the odin project. The requirement for now is to get the game running purely on the console. Here’s the code I’ve written so far:

const board = {
    a:[ "", "", ""],
    b:[ "", "", ""],
    c: [ "", "", ""]
function gameBoard() {
    const getBoard = () => board;
    const putToken = (gridItem) => {
        if (gridItem === "") {
        gridItem = game.getActivePlayer().token;
    const printBoard = () => console.log(board);
    return {
         getBoard, printBoard, putToken

function gameController(playerOneName = "Player One", playerTwoName = "Player Two") {
    const boards = gameBoard();
    const players = [
        name: playerOneName,
        token: "O"
        name: playerTwoName,
        token: "X"

    let activePlayer = players[0];

    const switchPlayerTurn = () => {
        activePlayer = activePlayer === players[0] ? players[1] : players[0]
    const getActivePlayer = () => activePlayer;
    const printNewRound = () => {
        console.log(`${getActivePlayer().name}'s turn.`)
    const playRound = (gridItem) => {


        return {
            playRound, getActivePlayer
    const game = gameController();

I’m currently having trouble trying to execute a player’s turn to input his mark ‘O’ ‘X’ onto the gameboard.

I tried running

game.playRound(board.a[1]) , which will run gameBoard().putToken(board.a[1]),
which i had hoped to change board.a[1] into the active player’s token which is ‘O’. However, when i tried logging the supposedly updated gameboard, nothing has changed. I’m not sure what went wrong because I tried manually running board.a[1] = game.getActivePlayer().token in the console and it worked fine. Can anyone tell me where I went wrong ? Thank you !