I can not pass an array to Airtable create method in Nodejs

I am trying to use Airtable for the first time. I want to simply create a record into a table in Airtable. The record is an array of objects. When I had the data as an object, it went through. But it is a dynamic data and would be in array form, I have not been able to get this to work.

Here is the current code that I am using:
const base = new Airtable({ apiKey:${process.env.AIRTABLE_ACCESS_TOKEN}}).base(${process.env.AIRTABLE_BASEID});

const tempOrderParticipantData = [...params?.participantData as participantDataAttributes[]];

const tempRecord: unknown[] = [];


   tempOrderParticipantData?.forEach((item, index)=>{
 const getPackage = params?.orderedItemList?.find((m, mIndex)=> item?.packageName ===    m?.orderedItemName);  
        "Full Name": `${item?.participantNameInfo?.participantFirstName} ${item?.participantNameInfo?.participantLastName}`,
        "First Name": `${item?.participantNameInfo?.participantFirstName}`,
        "Last Name":`${item?.participantNameInfo?.participantLastName}`,
        "Phone": `${item?.participantNameInfo?.participantPhoneNumber}`,
        "Email": `${item?.participantNameInfo?.participantEmail}`,
        "Tour Name": `${params?.orderDetails?.tripName}`,
        "Tour Start Date": `${dayjs(params?.orderDetails?.tripStartDate).format('MMM/DDD/YYYY')}`,
        "Tour End Date": `${dayjs(params?.orderDetails?.tripEndDate).format('MMM/DDD/YYYY')}`,
        "Quantity": `${params?.participantData?.length}`,
        "Tour Price": `${displayCurrency(getPackage?.orderItemPrice as string)}`,
        "Payment Status": `Successful`

base(${process.env.AIRTABLE_TABLEID}).create(tempRecord as string[]).then(record => { console.log('Created record'); }).catch(err => { console.error('Error creating record:', err); });

This is the error messsage that comes up when I try to create a record:
Error creating record: AirtableError { error: 'INVALID_REQUEST_MISSING_FIELDS', message: 'Could not find field "fields" in the request body', statusCode: 422 }