Can a Svelte component dipsatch its own instance?

For nested Svlete components, where an Outer contains several Inners, is it possible to create a dispatcher with createEventDispatcher in Inner that would communicate the instance that called the dispatcher?

Outer.svelte would look something like

<script lang="ts">
  import Inner from "./Inner.svelte";

  /* placeholder array of 0-10 elements, to make it clear the number of Inners
   * in this component is different depedning on some outside factors */
  let dynamicContent = Array.from({length: Math.random() * 10}, () => "something");

  // How is it possible to set this?
  let lastSelectedInner: Inner | null = null;

{#each dynamicContent as item}
  <Inner on:select={(event) => lastSelectedInner = event.detail} />

And Inner.svelte would look something like:

<script lang="ts>
  import { createEventDispatcher } from "svelte";
  const dispatch = createEventDispatcher();

<button on:click={() => dispatch("select", /* how do I forward the instance here? */)} >
  <p>Click me</p>

Note: I need the actual instance to be in a variable, and not an index. Also, I don’t want to have an array of all Inners, just a single reference to a single component.