Why won’t my Javascript audio skip button work?

I am fairly new to any sort of web programming and trying to create an audio player for my website. I’ll paste all the code below for reference. I cannot for the life of me get the skip button to work. I have two files in the right spot that both should work for the audio element, and the first is the one already loaded on the site (it is playing/pausing fine). But I can’t figure out why the forward button won’t work on click. I tried two ways of creating the function, one will be pasted here and the other was just using the onclick=”” attribute in HTML that linked to a function in JS. Any insight would be greatly appreciated! Also I am anticipating having to add a clause for if the song is the last on the list, but I haven’t gotten that far yet.

<div class="window" id="audioPlayer">
<div class="windowHeader" id="audioPlayerHeader"><span class="windowCloseButton" id="closeAudioPlayer">X</span>==== Audio Player ====</div>

<div class='marqueeContainer'><div class="marquee">Choir Singing - The Choir</div><div class="marquee">Choir Singing - The Choir</div></div>

<audio src="../assets/choir.mp3" muted loop id="audio1"></audio>

<div id="buttonBar">
<img src="../assets/back.png" id='backButton' onclick="backAudio(audio1)">
<img src="../assets/playButton.png" id="audio1PlayButton" onclick="toggleAudioPlay('../assets/pauseButton.png', '../assets/playButton.png', 'audio1')">
<img src="../assets/forward.png" id="forwardButton"></div>
const songSrcs = new Array("../assets/choir.mp3", "../assets/piano.mp3");
const songMap = new Map();
songMap.set("../assets/choir.mp3", "Choir Singing - The Choir");
songMap.set("../assets/piano.mp3", "Piano that Plays");
let audioElement = document.getElementById(audio1);

var forwardButton = document.getElementById("forwardButton");
forwardButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
    let currentTrack = audioElement.src;
    let currentPos = songSrcs.indexOf(currentTrack);
    currentTrack = songSrcs[currentPos];
    document.getElementById("audio1").src = currentTrack;
    document.querySelectorAll(".marquee").innerHTML = songMap.value(currentTrack);