Postman always gives me 404 on my post requests written in laravel. route problem?

I started laravel for learning purposes, I have been working with php for a long time.
So far I only have db, a User Model, a UserController (register and login), my own routes in api.php. Maybe that would be enough.
But Postman always gives me 404 on my post requests written in laravel. if i see in the documentation correctly it should list my own routes on route:list. I don’t see them there.

Someone push me further 🙂 ty

I have restarted the project several times but always get this far. Is my package missing ? Or where should I start to move on ? php code does not indicate an error , php artisan serve starts fine…
On the various composer steps, artisan route: clear, cache has been there already….
Basic get methods work fine (welcome, sanctum/csrf-cookie…)
PHP 8.2.12 , Laravel 11.10.0, Sanctum v4.0.2