We are proud to introduce to you 3 concept store designs fit for any purpose. These stores have a unique layout and yet at the same time have a coalescing of style.
Each store is uniquely textured with great quality images and what’s best of all is that all combined they offer a very low-poly scene.
Store 1
Offers a more classic look and feel. suited for more mature clientele.
included is shirt hangers, racks, wood floor boards, open cabinet shelves and spotlights.
Store 2
Is the more funky /trendy fashion store. It is suited for more a Rodeo drive type of clientele. store includes shelves/ giraffe leather benches/ and a semi-curved table and concept chandeliers chandeliers.
Store 3
This open window store is specifically designed for the urban look and feel of metropolitan areas. Very earthy; this store gives way for more of a balanced look. With both style and modern design it is suited to showcase the latest in fashion products. Uniquely includes 6 standing mirrors/ bamboo sticks/ bamboo boxes/ lit mirror frames/ and wood floors.
Best of all, all pieces and furniture are interchangeable between all stores. As well, all stores combined have a very Low-Poly count:
Faces : 115 000
Tri’s : 183 000
Verts : 100 000
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