CSS/JS Browser Determiner (Miscellaneous)

It is a lightweight (4kb) JavaScript library that can help web-developers, especially HTML/CSS coders, to easily write CSS or JavaScript code for any specific browser without any CSS hacks. It is indispensable solution for building cross-browser and cross-platform web-sites and web-applications.

How it works? Very simple. It generates a list of classes with the detailed information about browser, layout engine, OS, device and then attach it to <html> tag.

Unlike well-known Modernizr, the CSS/JS Browser Determiner is mostly focused not on the browser features but on the browser and the device itself. But it also determines the support of common CSS features.

Simple Determining With CSS

.opera          .element {color:red} // All versions of Opera
.ie8            .element {color:red} // MSIE 8
.ie7_5          .element {color:red} // MSIE 7.5
.ie8-           .element {color:red} // MSIE 8 or less
.chrome22-      .element {color:red} // Chrome 22 or less (25 version is the maximum available)
.webkit         .element {color:red} // Webkit based browsers such as Chrome, Safari, IOS, Android etc.

.mac            .element {color:red} // Mac OS only
.windows        .element {color:red} // Windows only
.pc             .element {color:red} // Any non-mobile computer, including Mac OS
.mobile         .element {color:red} // Any mobile device
.iphone         .element {color:red} // iPhone
.android        .element {color:red} // Android
.desktop        .element {color:red} // Desktop computer with window width 980px or more
.mobile.tablet  .element {color:red} // Only mobile devices with window width 768px to 979px

.boxsizing      .element {color:red} // Browser that supports the CSS3 box-sizing property
.no-gradient    .element {color:red} // Browser that does not supports the CSS3 gradients property

or JavaScript

if (browser.ie && browser.version <= 8 ) {
    // Code for MSIE 8 or less
if (browser.is_mobile) {
    // Code for mobile devices
if (browser.is_old) {
    // Code for old browsers such as:
    // MSIE 9 or less
    // Firefox 3.6 or less
    // Safari 3.0 or less
    // Opera 10.1 or less
if (browser.supports("border-radius")) {
    // Code for browsers that supports the CSS3 border-radius" property
if (browser.is_desktop) {
    // Window width is 980px or more

And much more. You can determine any version of the browser.

CSS selectors

  • Browsers – chrome, safari, opera, mozilla, ie, webkit, unknown
  • Browser virsion likechrome23, chrome23_0 (but not chrome 23_0_1279_97 or chrome23_0-), chrome23-, opera9_5 etc.
  • Mobile devices – iphone, ipod, ipad, android, blackberry, operamini, operamobile, winmobile, wince, symbian.
  • Operation Systems – windows, macos, cros, unix, linux, unknown_os
  • Common CSS properties – opacity, gradient, borderimage, borderradius, animation, transition, transform, textshadow, boxsizing, boxshadow. Or, if not supported: no-gradient, no-borderimage etc…
  • Responsive Utilitiesdesktop, tablet, phone

JavaScript API

  • browser.is_modern — returns true if it’s a modern browser. Depends on whether browser supports the CSS3 transition property
  • browser.is_old — opposite of browser.is_modern
  • browser.is_mobile — returns true if it’s a mobile device
  • browser.is_pc — any non-mobile computer, including Mac OS
  • browser.is_desktop — window width 980px and more
  • browser.is_tablet — window width 768px to 979px
  • browser.is_phone — window width is 767px or less
  • browser.name — the name of the browser
  • browser.version — the version of the browser
  • browser.os — returns the short name of the operation system
  • browser.mode — returns “desktop”, “tablet” or “phone” according to the current width of the window
  • browser.chrome — returns true if it’s Chrome
  • browser.mozilla — returns true if it’s Firefox or any other Mozilla-based browser
  • browser.ie — returns true if it’s Internet Explorer
  • browser.opera — returns true if it’s Opera
  • browser.safari — returns true if it’s Safari
  • browser.webkit — returns true if it’s Webkit-based browser such as Chrome, Safari, Maxthon, Android etc.
  • browser.supports.opacity — determine whether browser supports the CSS opacity property. Only for predefined properties (see “Common CSS properties” list).
  • browser.supports(prop) — determine whether browser supports the CSS property.

Responsive Utilities

CSS/JS Browser Determiner has also support the basic responsive utilites for faster mobile-friendly development. You can use CSS selectors to determine the desktop, tablet or phone platform. It can be helpful if you need responsive support in Internet Explorer 8 (or less), which does not supports CSS3 Media Queries.

Live demo and full documentation

Download CSS/JS Browser Determiner (Miscellaneous)

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