Demo Protector – PHP Class (Miscellaneous)

What is Demo Protector?

The DemoProtector is a PHP Class which allows you to protect certain parts of the administration panel of your WordPress websites.

The class is a must have for each Envato user which sells WordPress plugins or any other stuff which have to grand access to the administrator panel of the system for demo or any other purposes.

Have you ever received comments from clients telling you that your demo is not working or they cannot log in to the admin panel? Especially if you provided admin access to the panel you did have headache blocking rights and hard-coding fixes to block the users which make fun with your demo WordPress installation. Also there are a lot of people installing plugins which edit other plugins and template files just to steal your code. Most of the people do not respect our licenses and they have to be stopped.

The class that I present you is going to help you stop those people. Forget about worrying for your demo installation. Just include the class and with 2-3 lines of code you can be ready for going live without any doubts and fully protected.


The installation is really simple. Just upload the folder of the code to the theme which you use and include a file for initialization.

Setup and default protection

By default the code protects the most vulnerable parts of the administration panel. You can also enable and/or disable protection for any part of the administration panel by changing the class options. The code is very flexible and you can protect whatever page you need.

Custom protection

The class provides method for custom protection. If I’ve missed a page or just the page which you want to block is a custom one you can easily use the Custom Protection tool which is comming with the class. With regular expression you actually do not have any limits of setup.


You receive full documentation with the pack. You can also use the online documentation

Download Demo Protector – PHP Class (Miscellaneous)

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