How to request a cross-origin file that contains relative URLs?

I have a situation where I have two servers, Server A and Server B. (Both are running on localhost on different ports.)

Server A:


Server B:


Server B hosts an library.js and font.ttf. To load this font file, the library.js file has a fetch call with a relative path, like so:


When loaded from it’s own origin, the Server B setup works fine.

However, when loaded a cross-origin request from Server A (with a/index.js importing b/library.js), Server B‘s code fails because now that relative './font.ttf' path is relative to Server A instead (on a different port), which has no such file.

Is there a way to continue to use relative paths on Server B, while having code be isolated so that it can be requested from a different origin and still work?

(The nuances of why I have two servers running has to do with Electron, and how Server A is the renderer process itself, and Server B is my own extra server with a dynamic set of files that might get loaded.)

500 Server Error Posting Payment to Stripe

I am trying to build a learning eCommerce project with NextJS, Sanity, and Stripe. Almost the entire project is done, but I cannot seem to get the checkout to work appropriately. I get this error:

XML Parsing Error: no root element found
Location: http://localhost:3000/api/stripe
Line Number 1, Column 1

This is using a react component from @stripe/react-stripe-js which I’ve not seen in other projects (they usually use a portal instead).

User puts in card info (in this case stripe testing numbers), presses checkout and this logic fires:

const Cart = () => { 

const cart = useCartStore(state => state.cart); 
const removeFromCart = useCartStore(state => state.removeFromCart); 
const totalItems = useCartStore(state => state.totalItems); 
const cartTotal = useCartStore(state => state.cartTotal);

const handleRemoveFromCart = (productId) => { removeFromCart(productId) }

const stripe = useStripe(); const elements = useElements();

const onSubmit = async () => {

const cardElement = elements?.getElement("card");

  console.log('try is firing')
  if (!stripe || !cardElement) return null;

  const data = await"api/stripe", {

  const res = await stripe?.confirmCardPayment(data?.data?.intent, {

  const status = res?.paymentIntent?.status;

} catch (error) {


I can see the console.log statements just fine, so the function is working in that regard, but I just get a “no root element” error.

The client should send to the endpoint on my server file, and that should submit the information to stripe.

Here is the endpoint:

import { NextResponse } from "next/server"; import Stripe from "stripe";

const stripe = new Stripe(process.env.STRIPE_SECRET_KEY);

export async function POST(req) { console.log(stripe); const {data} = await req.json(); const {amount} = data; console.log(amount);

try { const payIntent = await stripe.paymentIntents.create({ amount:Number(amount) * 100, current: "USD" })

return NextResponse.json({status:200, intent:payIntent?.client_secret})

} catch(error) { return NextResponse.json({status:400}) } }

The API endpoint sits in api/stripe/route.js in the Next 14 app router. The call uses axios.

For some reason the 500 error does not show up in the network tab of my browser, and this seems like it maybe some sort of CORS error or blocking happening by stripe, but I really do not know. I’ve tried fixing env variables and sanity schemas, but the error still persist. I’ll be playing with postman and the dashboard in stripe now.

Here’s the github itself:

It is based on this tutorial which is quite recent:

How do I set new text in space on the left and right of a centered div?


Changed to left from center, moved all centered image to the left. Typed in text, started underneath the Title. Looked in CSS, could make no determination how to establish area for separate text entry.Went online and searched for solutions, as I have done here. I took a web design beginner course in Coursera, passed the 3 week course in 6 days, but she specified that it was only html5 code, with CSS, and this seems to be a styling issue. I am going to take a course with Codecademy that includes both html5 and CSS.

Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘settings’) in Firebase authentication

I’m trying to make a register page using Firebase authentication, but it keeps throwing the same error every time. This is my code:

      <form id="form">
        <div class="sign-in">
            <input class="signin-input" type="text" id="username" name="username" placeholder="Username">
            <input class="signin-input" type="email" id="email" name="email" placeholder="Email">
            <input class="signin-input" type="password" id="password" name="password" placeholder="Password">

            <div id="button_container">
                <input type="submit" id="signUp" name="signup_submit" value="Register">
    <script type="module">
      // Import the functions you need from the SDKs you need
      import { initializeApp } from "";
      import { getDatabase } from "";
      import { getAuth, createUserWithEmailAndPassword } from "";

      // Your web app's Firebase configuration
      const firebaseConfig = {
        // Firebase Configuration

      // Initialize Firebase
      const app = initializeApp(firebaseConfig);
      const database = getDatabase(app);
      const auth = getAuth();
      signUp.addEventListener('click',(e) => {
        var email = document.getElementById('email').value;
        var password = document.getElementById('password').value;
        var username = document.getElementById('username').value;
        createUserWithEmailAndPassword(email, password)
          .then((userCredential) => {
          const user = userCredential.user;
          alert('Successfully registered!');
          .catch((error) => {
          const errorCode = error.code;
          const errorMessage = error.message;

Every time I press the Register button, it throws me this error: “Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘settings’)”

Lock in new form state after submitting so that a subsequent form reset does not revert to values prior to saving

I have a simple form in a modal. Saving the form does not reload the page. Instead I simply close the modal and update the text on the page to reflect the changes made in the form.

When the user closes the modal without saving the form, I want to reset any changes they made to the form. Note the close buttons have the type “reset”:

  <div class="modal-dialog">
    <div class="modal-content">
     <form id='myForm' onsubmit='return false;' action='someTarget'>
      <div class="modal-header mb-3">
        <h5 class="modal-title">My Modal</h5>
        <button class="btn-close" data-bs-dismiss="modal" type="reset" aria-label="Close"></button>
      </div><!-- end .modal-header -->
      <div class="modal-body mt-3">
        <div class="row">
          <label class="col-4 col-form-label">Name</label>
          <div class="col-8 col-form-label"><input class="form-control" name="name" type="text" /></div>
          <div class="col-12 d-flex justify-content-end mt-4">
            <button class="btn btn-label-secondary me-sm-3 me-1" data-bs-dismiss="modal" type="reset" aria-label="Close">Cancel</button>
            <button class="btn btn-danger btn-animated-submit" type="submit"><span class="tf-icon bx bx-trash bx-s me-2"></span> Save</button>
        </div><!-- end .row -->
      </div><!-- end .modal-body -->
    </div><!-- end .modal-content -->
  </div><!-- end .modal-dialog -->
</div><!-- end .modal#exampleModal -->```

However, if the user makes changes to the form and saves it, only to open and close it again later - thus resetting the form - the form reverts to its original state prior to saving.

How I can change the form's "default" state when saving so that when the reset event is triggered, it reverts to the values of the last submitted state - not the one from when the page first loaded?

Could not resolve “node:module” when trying to build Shopify App Extension (React)

I built a Shopify app and extension using the CLI tool. The sample code ( ) works as intended, i.e. a product is created when clicking the button in the Admin dashboard, but I am unable to call the Admin API from my extension.

my-app/app/routes/app._index.jsx contains sample code that successfully calls the Admin API. When I copy the entire file exactly as is to my-app/extensions/post-purchase-ui/src/index.jsx (only modifying the relative import from import { authenticate } from "../shopify.server"; to import { authenticate } from "app/shopify.server";). I get errors. First, there was this:

$ shopify app dev
const stringWidth = require('string-width');

Error [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]: require() of ES Module /my-app/node_modules/string-width/index.js from /my-app/node_modules/wrap-ansi/index.js not supported.
Instead change the require of /my-app/node_modules/string-width/index.js in /my-app/node_modules/wrap-ansi/index.js to a dynamic import() which is available in all CommonJS modules.
    at Object.<anonymous> (/my-app/node_modules/wrap-ansi/index.js:2:21) {

Node.js v21.7.2

which went away after running yarn add [email protected] -W. But after that I got the following error:

      17 │ var path = require('node:path');
         ╵                    ~~~~~~~~~~~

  The package "node:path" wasn't found on the file system but is built into node. Are you trying to
00:32:09 │ extensions │ ✘ [ERROR] Could not resolve "node:crypto"
00:32:09 │ extensions │ 
00:32:09 │ extensions │     node_modules/@remix-run/node/dist/sessions/fileStorage.js:15:21:
00:32:09 │ extensions │       15 │ var crypto = require('node:crypto');
00:32:09 │ extensions │          ╵                      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
00:32:09 │ extensions │ 
00:32:09 │ extensions │   The package "node:crypto" wasn't found on the file system but is built into node. Are you trying to bundle for node? You can use "platform: 'node'" to do that, 

Error: Build failed with 14 errors:
 node_modules/@remix-run/node/dist/sessions/fileStorage.js:15:21: ERROR: Could not resolve "node:crypto"
 node_modules/@remix-run/node/dist/sessions/fileStorage.js:16:22: ERROR: Could not resolve "node:fs"
 node_modules/@remix-run/node/dist/sessions/fileStorage.js:17:19: ERROR: Could not resolve "node:path"
 node_modules/@remix-run/node/dist/stream.js:15:26: ERROR: Could not resolve "node:stream"
 node_modules/@remix-run/node/dist/upload/fileUploadHandler.js:15:21: ERROR: Could not resolve "node:crypto"

I have no clue how to fix this, I already tried installing the modules with yarn, setting build target to “node” in vite.config.js and adding the following to remix.config.js:

module.exports = {
  serverNodeBuiltinsPolyfill: {
    modules: {
      crypto: true,
      stream: true,
      fs: true,
      path: true,
      "fs/promises": true,
      os: true,
      util: true,

but still get the same error.

cant seem to target element at all [closed]

I can not target the only h2 element in my code. I am running javascript in the same section of code and it seems the styling has been taken over in there, however I cant target the element by id through javascript either. I have also tried in line styling through html as well. after clicking the “end game” button, a gameResults div becomes visible and list the results under the h2 element. the h2 element is the title, and I cant seem to style it individually at all. I have even tried targeting it to change the color and that proves I am unable to target it through css as usual. I hard coded the h2 element into the html because i specifically wanted to be able to style it individually. there has to be some overriding happening within this specific portion of the javascript but i don’t understand it. can someone help me understand what is happening here?

screen shot of output included. But to describe the output is as follow:
the p element is larger than the title h2 element and has the bold style applied and the h2 only seems to increase size with the same proportions as the p element when i change the font-size in the .gameResults div.

I explained everything I have tried above.[this shows the html css and results and a portion of javascriptthis shows the javascript ](

SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input?

There is this thing called “EaglerForge” that allows you to mod EaglerCraft, an AOT compiled version of Minecraft that allows you to play in your browser. Anyway, I am trying to redo the ModGUI by just recalling the function. here’s the ModGUI:

function displayGui() {
  function gui() {
    if (document.querySelector("#eaglerpl_gui")) {
      localStorage.getItem("ml::Mods") || "[]"
    try {
    } catch (error) {
      localStorage.setItem("ml::Mods", "[]");
    var Mods = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("ml::Mods"));
    var container = document.createElement("div"); = "eaglerpl_gui"; = `width:100%; height: 100%; position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; z-index: 10; color: white; font-family: Minecraftia, sans-serif; overflow-y: scroll; overflow-x: hidden; background-image: url(); background-color: rgb(60,60,60); background-blend-mode: multiply; background-size: 64px;`;
    var title = document.createElement("h1"); = "text-shadow: 0px 0px 4px;";
    title.innerHTML = "Mod Manager";
    var closeButton = document.createElement("a"); = `margin-left: 2rem; color: red;`;
    closeButton.href = "javascript:void(0)";
    closeButton.addEventListener("click", () => {
    closeButton.innerHTML = "[X]";

    var warningPoster = document.createElement("p"); = "font-size: 0.8rem; color: orangered;";
    warningPoster.innerHTML =
      "Warning: Installing Mods gives them full control over the game. Be cautious when installing them.<br>Mods that have been removed also need a reload to stop running in the background.";

    var tipPoster = document.createElement("p"); = "font-size: 0.8rem; color: yellow;";
    tipPoster.innerHTML =
      "Tip: if the mods say that they failed loading, try refreshing the gui";

    var table = document.createElement("table"); = "table-layout: fixed; width: 100%";
    var headerRow = document.createElement("tr"); = "background: rgb(50,50,50);";
    var urlBox = document.createElement("th"); = "text-align: center;";
    urlBox.innerHTML = "URL";
    var statusBox = document.createElement("th"); = "text-align: center; width: 15%;";
    statusBox.innerHTML = "Status";

    Mods.forEach((url) => {
      var row = document.createElement("tr"); = `box-shadow: 0px 2px 0px grey;`;
      var urlBox = document.createElement("td"); = "user-select: text;";
      var textWrapper = document.createElement("div"); = `max-width: 100%; overflow-wrap: anywhere; max-height: 3rem; overflow-y: scroll;`;
      textWrapper.innerText = url;
      var statusBox = document.createElement("td");
      statusBox.innerHTML = ((curl) => {
        var targs = document.querySelectorAll("script[data-Mod]");
        for (let i = 0; i < targs.length; i++) {
          const elem = targs[i];
          if (elem.getAttribute("data-Mod") === curl) {
            return "LOADED";
        return "FAILED";
      switch (statusBox.innerHTML) {
        case "LOADED":
 = "background-color: green; text-align: center;";
        case "FAILED":
 = "background-color: dimgrey; text-align: center;";
      var binBtn = document.createElement("button"); =
        "background: transparent; text-align: center; color: yellow; cursor: pointer; font-family: 'Minecraftia', sans-serif; text-decoration: underline; border: 0; margin-left: 1rem; font-size: 1rem;";
      binBtn.innerHTML = "[X]";
      binBtn.addEventListener("click", () => {
        if (!window.confirm("Delete Mod?") || Mods.indexOf(url) === -1) {
        Mods.splice(Mods.indexOf(url), 1);
        localStorage.setItem("ml::Mods", JSON.stringify(Mods));

    var addBtn = document.createElement("button"); =
      "background: transparent; text-align: center; color: yellow; cursor: pointer; font-family: 'Minecraftia', sans-serif; text-decoration: underline; border: 0; margin-right: 1rem;  font-size: 1rem;";
    addBtn.innerHTML = "Add new";
    addBtn.addEventListener("click", () => {
      var newMod = window.prompt("URL of Mod: ", "");
      localStorage.setItem("ml::Mods", JSON.stringify(Mods));

    var uploadBtn = document.createElement("button"); =
      "background: transparent; text-align: center; color: yellow; cursor: pointer; font-family: 'Minecraftia', sans-serif; text-decoration: underline; border: 0;  font-size: 1rem;";
    uploadBtn.innerHTML = "Upload...";
    uploadBtn.addEventListener("click", function uploadBtnListener() {
      var filePicker = document.createElement("input");
      filePicker.type = "file";
      filePicker.accept = ".js";
      filePicker.addEventListener("input", function onInput() {
        if (filePicker.files[0]) {
          var reader = new FileReader();
          reader.addEventListener("load", function onModRead() {
            var newMod = reader.result.replace(";base64", `;fs=${encodeURIComponent(filePicker.files[0].name) || "unknown"};base64`);
            localStorage.setItem("ml::Mods", JSON.stringify(Mods));


    var notice = document.createElement("a");
    notice.innerHTML = "Refresh GUI";
    notice.href = "javascript:void(0)";
    notice.addEventListener("click", function reloadListener() {
      setTimeout(gui, 500);
    }); =
      "color: yellow; display: block; margin-top: 2rem; width: 0; white-space: nowrap;";
    container.appendChild(notice);"gui", {});


there is a chance that I just forgot ‘}’ at the end of “displayGUI()”

I was expecting nothing to happen, and instead got this error.

O termo ‘nodebot.js’ não é reconhecido como nome de cmdlet, função, arquivo de script ou programa operável [closed]

Alguem tem alguma solução? já adicionei a variavel no ambiente do Windowns e aida não consigo inicializar o bot, utilizei o whatsapp-web.js para criar um bot e quando inicializo o codigo me aparece isso:

nodebot.js : O termo ‘nodebot.js’ não é reconhecido como nome de cmdlet, função, arquivo de script ou programa operável.
Verifique a grafia do nome ou, se um caminho tiver sido incluído, veja se o caminho está correto e tente novamente.
No linha:1 caractere:1

  • nodebot.js
  •   + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (nodebot.js:String) [], CommandNotFoundException
      + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException

Já tentei adicionar a variavel no ambiente do windowns com o endereço do NODE mas sem sucesso

If I Have a Regular Expression in Javascript, is There Any Way to Tell if it Contains Groups?

If I have:

 const myRegex = /abc/;

Or maybe I have:

const myRegex = /a(bc)/;

Is there any way I can check whether or not myRegex contains a group inside it?

I know I can convert the regular expression to a string and check that way:

const hasGroup = (regex) =>
    (regex + '').includes('(') && (regex + '').includes(')')

But is there a better (ie. non-string-based) way to find out this information?

Problem with get the current response from Google Forms using Apps Script

I’m having a problem with getting the current response from Google Forms. My objective is get a number from a input from Forms and make a multiplication table of this number. I’m using Apps Script to get the number and returning it to the response page. A tried of a lot of ways, but every time the response show the penultimate number sent and not the current one. For examble: I give the number 7 for the code calculate the multiplication table, but instead it shows the multiplication table of the number 4 that I sent before. And just in the next try it shows the multiplication table of the number 7.


This is my code:
`function onFormSubmit(e) {
var form = FormApp.getActiveForm();
var responses = form.getResponses(); // Get all responses

// Get the last response
var lastResponse = responses[responses.length - 1];

// Get the individual responses from the last response
var itemResponses = lastResponse.getItemResponses();

// Now you can manipulate the individual responses as desired
var num = parseInt(itemResponses[0].getResponse());


// Build the confirmation message based on the last response
var confirmationMessage = "Multiplication table of " + num + ":nn";

for (var i = 1; i <= 100; i++) {
    confirmationMessage += num + " x " + i + " = " + num * i + "n";

// Set the custom confirmation message


And this how is configured my trigger:


Cypress – problem with conditional testing

I need to test something like below:

If div.table-row.table-row-hover exists, it must contain the specified text.

If div.table-row.table-row-hover does not exist, there must be an i[class=”far fa-empty-set”] element.

my code doesn’t work. It fails because doesn’t find div.table-row.table-row-hover.

it.only("Test", () => {

  const query = "ExampleText"; 
  cy.get("div.table-row.table-row-hover").then(($elements) => {
    if ($elements.length > 0) {
      let textFound = false;
      $elements.each(($el) => {
        const text = Cypress.$($el).text().toLowerCase(); 
        if (text.includes(query.toLowerCase())) {
          textFound = true;
    } else {
      cy.get('i[class="far fa-empty-set"]').should("exist");

Could someone help me please

Chrome extension developed with Vite react and js routing problem

For some resoning i have been struggling with routing in Chrome extension
The problem is about redirecting users based on their authentication status in a React application using React Router. Specifically, the issue is ensuring that when the user is not authenticated (i.e., user is null), they are redirected to the Onboarding page, while authenticated users are directed to the main application routes.

 import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";
import {
} from "react-router-dom";
import Home from "./pages/Home";
import Onboarding from "./pages/Onboarding";
import SplashScreen from "./components/SplashScreen/SplashScreen";
import ScreenTwo from "./components/Onboarding/ScreenTwo";
import ScreenThree from "./components/Onboarding/ScreenThree";
import RootLayout from "./components/layouts/RootLayout";
import AlarmPage from "./pages/alarm/AlarmPage";

const router = createHashRouter([
    path: "/",
    element: <RootLayout />,
    children: [
      { path: "/", element: <Home /> },
      { path: "/alarm/alarmpage", element: <AlarmPage /> },
  { path: "/onboarding", element: <Onboarding /> },
  { path: "/screentwo", element: <ScreenTwo /> },
  { path: "/screenthree", element: <ScreenThree /> },

const App = () => {
  const [user, setUser] = useState(null);

  useEffect(() => {
    // Check user data in or any other authentication method
    const userData = localStorage.getItem("user");
    if (userData) {
    } else {
  }, []);


  return (
    <RouterProvider router={router}>
        {user === null ? (
          <Route path="*" element={<Navigate to="/onboarding" replace />} />
        ) : (
            <Route path="/*" element={<RootLayout />} />
            <Route path="/onboarding" element={<Onboarding />} />
            <Route path="/screentwo" element={<ScreenTwo />} />
            <Route path="/screenthree" element={<ScreenThree />} />

export default App;

all i am getting is just

   <Home /> 
<RootLayout />

it is not Navigating to onboarding page if user === null

How to fix chess.js implementation for index.html

Im trying to build multiplayer chess game and implement it in steps.

  1. Display a chessboard in javascript
  2. Use chess.js to get available moves and playable game
  3. Implement multiplayer, host a server, with ability to change some rules of the game to analyze network data
  4. Use node.js and for multiplayer

I found another project that works but I want to implement this myself.
However I got stuck on implementing chess.js by itself. The repo contains just a .ts file which I don’t know what to do with. I tried to add it to my project but did not work.

I currently have chessboard.js in my index.html like this:


    <!-- Import chessboard css -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/chessboard-1.0.0.min.css">

    <!-- Import jquery -->
    <script src=""></script>

    <!-- Import chessboard -->
    <script src="js/chessboard-1.0.0.min.js"></script>
    <!-- Import chess.js -->
    <!-- <script src="chess.js"></script> -->



    <!-- Display chess board -->
    <div id="board1" style="width: 400px"></div>

    <!-- Initialize chess board-->
    <script src="app.js"></script>


entering a number and it return it in letters [closed]

anyone has the code of entering a number and it return it in letters ?
for example entering 4581 and it return
4 thousand 5 hundred eighty one
in java script please. in hurry

anyone has the code of entering a number and it return it in letters ?
for example entering 4581 and it return
4 thousand 5 hundred eighty one
in java script please.

anyone has the code of entering a number and it return it in letters ?
for example entering 4581 and it return
4 thousand 5 hundred eighty one
in java script please.

anyone has the code of entering a number and it return it in letters ?
for example entering 4581 and it return
4 thousand 5 hundred eighty one
in java script please.