Website Design & Logo Design & Online Store

Startup in need of a website that will be an online hair store. Site will need a shopping cart. Want to base the site on Will not offer as many products, but need the same functionality. Also looking for logo design assistance. Would prefer a programmer that speaks very good English, is available to chat via g-chat or skype. Looking to have this project completed in 30 days.

I can provide all of the photos for the site and am looking for a professional programmer that has experience in creating online stores and shopping carts. Would prefer a Joomla based site but am open to others. Want to be able to make changes myself easily after the site is created as we will likely be adding products in the future.

Need A Program Created

Hi, I need a simple program to be created.

I want to create something that allows me to upload products a little faster than I would be able to manually to an online shopping site.

A program that allows me to do the following:

Note: (To get a visual idea of what I want please see attached image)

1. Open up an excel csv file with my products.

2. Let’s me select the first 10 items that I want to upload from the excel file. My excel file will only contain the item number, title, asking price and the product description.

3. Once I do that, I will then be able to open a folder that contains all the product images for that excel file.

4. Once uploaded, the program will look at the excel file, read the 10 cells, and it will match those numbers to the corresponding picture in the folders. ( will be matched by item number which will be the first cell of each product.)

5. Now we will have 10 products with the 10 images ready to upload.

6. Somewhere I will be asked for payment options.(see bottom of attached image) It will ask if I want to receive a check or receive payment via payal. The paypal selection will give me the option of entering my paypal e-mail address in a box.

7. Below payment options, you’ll see shipping options. ( see image for info there)

8. I will then be able to press a button and 10 browser windows will open up with 10 product submission pages. ( The program will then fill in the data for each of the 10 products into a browser page and upload the corresponding image as well as the data entered for payment and shipping options.

9. I will then be able to look at them to make sure that the data is correct and when it is, I will submit each of the 10 listings individually.

It doesn’t have to be exactly as I show in my image or how I described it. If you have a better way, feel free to run it by me. 🙂

I don’t want to flood their website with too many listings at once, so doing only 10 at a time should be ok. That way I will get a lot listed without causing any problems and more importantly, in less time that doing it all manually. 🙂

If you can do this for me, please place a bid. 🙂

Oscommerce Site Template Installation

I have an OsCommerce site using fantastico hosted on

My site currently looks like this but I bought a template and need the template installed. This is the template I bought

I have the HTML codes and images but from what I understand, you will need to format them and install it.

Please read the template site for more details.