How can I prevent unauthorized access to my API endpoint?

Let me explain what I want to achieve and what I have tried.

//The Problem
I have an API endpoint built with nextjs
API Url Remote: –
API Url Local – http://localhost:3000/api/portfolio
this is the API for the portfolio items that I want to display on my website, and I did it. but the problem is anyone can request the API, even you can also request the endpoint.

// what I want?
Now this endpoint is publicly accessible, anyone can make GET request, I want to prevent this, I want only my website should make the request, and only those who visit my website can see the portfolio items on my website without login or any session, I don’t want to allow anyone else to call my API endpoint in another place.

// I am thinking
I don’t want to authenticate the API URL using next-auth or JWT because I want to display the items on my website without login just like products, if there is any way to authenticate the endpoint using next-auth or JWT without login please let me know, I don’t know that.

// I have tried
I have tried api-key headers during API calls using the fetch() method, but I realize that the api-key is visible in the network tab of the browser console. so I feel the api-key headers are also meaningless if my api-key is visible to the public.


export const GET = async (request) => {
  // get api key
  const headersList = headers();
  const apiKey = headersList.get("X-Api-Key");
  const validKey = process.env.API_KEY;

  // check valid api key
  if (validKey === apiKey) {
    await connectDB();
    const portfolioItems = await getPortfolioItems(request); // this function is created in another palce
    return NextResponse.json(portfolioItems);
  } else {
    return NextResponse.json({ message: "Unauthorized Access!" });

fetch the api with headers

export const fetchPortfolioItems = async (category, siteName, sort, page) => {
  const response = await fetch(
    `/api/portfolio?siteCategory=${category || ""}&&siteName=${siteName || ""}&&sort=${sort || "latest"}&&page=${page || "1"}&&perPage=${3}`,
      method: "GET",
      headers: {
        "X-Api-Key": "30JmsSQENLRPnpECk25gftymnKUQ9H1SMpQ5k4leFUTw0QgAA8vvH0gkzBV1heEXA7Wv9HK2WspLLPFn8BnSfaBd5xSZLgtk",
  return response.json();

the “X-Api-Key” is visible in the network tab in the browser’s console, so this method is useless for me. enter image description here