Why does the docs for Kaboom.js say that the polygon function say it was added in v3000.2, but v3000.2 doesn’t exist?

I was trying to make a polygon in Kaboom, to help with irregular shapes not provided by Kaboom in the regular shape functions, when I get an error stating that ‘ERROR: polygon is not defined’, even though it is clearly stated in the documentation

I don’t believe I need to provide an example, but I will, just in case.

import kaboom from "kaboom"
import "kaboom/global"


  polygon([vec2(0), vec2(50,0), vec2(50), vec2(0,50)]),

with the following error

ERROR: polygon is not defined
    -> code/main.ts:6:0
    -> dist/game.js:4367:3

My biggest problem is that underneath the definition, it says

Since v3000.2

in the documentation, even though v3000.2 hasn’t even been published.

Am I missing something?