TailwindCSS DarkMode styles not applied to elements when toggling ‘dark’ class to HTML tree

I’m encountering an issue with implementing dark mode styles in my web application. I’ve followed the recommended approach of using Tailwind CSS’s built-in dark mode support by adding the ‘dark’ class to the HTML tree, but for some reason, the dark mode styles are not being applied.

Specifically, I’m trying to get ‘dark:bg-bgDark’ to be applied when darkMode is toggled. Currently, the background stays constant to bg-bgLight.

My tailwind.config.js:

/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
export default {
  content: ["./index.html", "./src/**/*.{js,ts,jsx,tsx}"],
  theme: {
    darkMode: 'selector',
    extend: {
      boxShadow: {
        'custom': '0 2px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)'
    screens: {
      'sm': {'max': '550px'},
    colors: {
      bgLight: 'hsl(0, 0%, 98%)',
      textColor: 'hsl(200, 15%, 8%)',
      bgDark: 'hsl(207, 26%, 17%)'
    fontSize: {
      'sm': ['0.875rem', { lineHeight: '1.25rem' }], 
      'md': ['1.2rem', { lineHeight: '1.75rem' }],
      'big': '28px'
  plugins: [],

My HomePage.jsx:

import { Header, CountryCard } from "../components";
import { SearchBar, Filter } from '../utils'
import countries from "../assets/data.json";
import useTheme from '../hooks/useTheme'

const HomePage = () => {
  const [toggleTheme, theme] = useTheme()
  return (
    <div className="bg-bgLight dark:bg-bgDark">
      <Header theme={theme} toggleTheme={toggleTheme} />
      <div className="flex m-10 justify-between">
        <SearchBar />
        <Filter countries={countries} />

      <div className="flex flex-wrap justify-center">
        {countries.map((country) => (
          <CountryCard key={country.alpha3Code} country={country} />

export default HomePage;


import { Header, CountryCard } from "../components";
import { SearchBar, Filter } from '../utils'
import countries from "../assets/data.json";
import useTheme from '../hooks/useTheme'

const HomePage = () => {
  const [toggleTheme, theme] = useTheme()
  return (
    <div className="bg-bgLight dark:bg-bgDark">
      <Header theme={theme} toggleTheme={toggleTheme} />
      <div className="flex m-10 justify-between">
        <SearchBar />
        <Filter countries={countries} />

      <div className="flex flex-wrap justify-center">
        {countries.map((country) => (
          <CountryCard key={country.alpha3Code} country={country} />

export default HomePage;

I tried using ‘class’ instead of ‘selector’ in the config for darkMode.

I made sure the class ‘dark’ was being applied and removed accordingly to the HTML element on the DOM when toggling darkMode.

I made sure local storage and state was updating properly.