JavaScript: Object.keys() as part of a function

I´ve searched for a solution all afternoon. First I was enthusiastic but now I´m just annoid.
Maybe you can help me. Maybe there is no solution.

If you want to get the “name” of a variable you simply can use Object.keys().

const myFirstName = 'John';

BUT if you want to write a function and use the variable as the parameter,
this solution does not work anymore.

function hfr_log(variable)
    let tmp_variable = variable;
    let tmp_s_variable_name = Object.keys({variable})[0];
    let tmp_variable_content = variable;

    console.log(`tmp_variable = '${tmp_variable}'`);
    console.log(`tmp_s_variable_name = '${tmp_s_variable_name}'`);
    console.log(`tmp_variable_content = ${tmp_variable_content}`);

I’ve tried several approaches on how to pass the variable, but I’m running out of ideas.
Is it even possible?

Sorry for the beginner question, but I’m afraid I’m a beginner. :/

In any case, thank you very much for your time and your suggestions! 🙂