Autodesk Platform services : Heatmap is not reflected on the view

I would like to create a heat map based on the following demo

However, the heatmap is not showing up.enter image description here

The changes I made in the sample code are as follows
1.Change the following parameters in /public/config.js
APS_MODEL_URN = ‘URN obtained from Translate a Revit File, Generating Room and Space Information’
(Reference: aps-tutorial-postman/tree/master/ModelDerivative_07)

2.Since there was no room information, define the following in /public/extensions/SensorHeatmapsExtension.js

3.Modified the location information of the four sensors in /services/iot.mocked.js so that they are placed inside the cube of the room.

const SENSORS = {
    'sensor-1': {
        name: 'sensor_1-1',// An ID to identify this device
        description: 'rack_1-1_Basic_sensor.',
        groupName: 'Level 2',
        location: {// World coordinates of this device
            x: 70,
            y: 0,
            z: -5
        objectId: 1
    'sensor-2': {
        name: 'sensor_1-2',
        description: 'rack_1-2_Basic_sensor.',
        groupName: 'Level 2',
        location: {
            x: 70,
            y: -30,
            z: -5
        objectId: 2
    'sensor-3': {
        name: 'sensor_1-3',
        description: 'rack_1-3_Basic_sensor.',
        groupName: 'Level 2',
        location: {
            x: 75,
            y: 0,
            z: -5
        objectId: 3
    'sensor-4': {
        name: 'sensor_1-4',
        description: 'rack_1-4_Basic_sensor.',
        groupName: 'Level 2',
        location: {
            x: 75,
            y: -30,
            z: -5
        objectId: 4

4.Fixed _setupSurfaceShadingw in /public/extensions/SensorHeatmapsExtension.js as follows

async _setupSurfaceShading(model) {
        if (!this.dataView) {
            return; }
        const DataVizCore = Autodesk.DataVisualization.Core;
        const structureInfo = new DataVizCore.ModelStructureInfo(model);
        let levelRoomsMap = await structureInfo.getLevelRoomsMap();

        /////////////// define///////////////
        let room_2 = new DataVizCore.Room(
            2222, //id Room's DbId
            Box3(new THREE.Vector3(60, -40. -20), new THREE.Vector3(100, 10, 10))//bounds

        for (const [sensorId, sensor] of this.dataView.getSensors().entries()) {
            if(sensor.objectId >= 1 && sensor.objectId <= 4){

        levelRoomsMap.addRoomToLevel("Level 2", room_2); }

        /////////////// 4.SurfaceShading ///////////////
        const shadingGroup = new DataVizCore.SurfaceShadingGroup('iot-heatmap');
        const rooms = new Map();

        for (const [sensorId, sensor] of this.dataView.getSensors().entries()) {
            if (!sensor.objectId) {
            if (!rooms.has( {        
                const room = new Autodesk.DataVisualization.Core.SurfaceShadingNode(,;
                rooms.set(, room);
            const room = rooms.get(; }
            const types = Array.from(this.dataView.getChannels().keys());
            room.addPoint(new Autodesk.DataVisualization.Core.SurfaceShadingPoint(sensorId, sensor.location, types));
        this._surfaceShadingData = new DataVizCore.SurfaceShadingData();
        await this._dataVizExt.setupSurfaceShading(model, this._surfaceShadingData);
        //this._dataVizExt.registerSurfaceShadingColors('temp', [0x00ff00, 0xffff00, 0xff0000]);