Date field from SQL returning date minus 1 with Node/JS

I have a very simple SQL string that brings a Date field from sql:

SELECT dbo.table.effDate from table where.....

I need to convert that date to a date variable at Node so I can perform a calculation. This date is always the first of a month, so my results at SQL are



So, when I try to convert the field to a node date type, in these different ways, I always get the previous date of the one at the field (for the example above)


Im using:

let effDate = moment(response[i].effDate, 'YYYY-MM-DD').format('YYYY-MM-DD')


let effDate = new Date(response[i].effDate)

even this is bringing me a previous date

let effDate = response[I].effDate.toString()

and this:

let effDate = new Date(response[I].effDate).toLocaleDateString('en-US')

I could fix this by adding one day to whatever SQL brings me back, but its not the point, I want to do it right.

I also tried using getTimezoneOffset

effDate = new Date(response[i].effdate.getTime() - response[i].effdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000)

But I always get the previous date.

What confuses me is that javascript UTC zones should have nothing to do when it comes to the value returned by SQL:

enter image description here

Again, I could just add a day but that wont be right, and I would like to know why this is happening (even using toString()).
