vitejs legacy plugin for IE11: Unhandled promise rejection ReferenceError: ‘Symbol’ is undefined

I am trying to configure my vitejs React app to run in IE11 and above. I have the following error viewing in MicroSoft Edge, in Internet Explorer Mode (IEChooser Dev Tools):

   [functions]: ,
   __proto__: { },
   description: "'Symbol' is undefined",
   message: "'Symbol' is undefined",
   name: "ReferenceError",
   number: -2146823279,
   stack: "ReferenceError: 'Symbol' is undefined
   at execute (http://localhost:4173/assets/index-legacy-e7ad95b1.js:1:3100)
   at n (http://localhost:4173/assets/polyfills-legacy-c1ceefe8.js:1:36689)
   at v (http://localhost:4173/assets/polyfills-legacy-c1ceefe8.js:1:36937)
   at Anonymous function (http://localhost:4173/assets/polyfills-legacy-c1ceefe8.js:1:36603)
   at ff (http://localhost:4173/assets/polyfills-legacy-c1ceefe8.js:1:26521)
   at Anonymous function (http://localhost:4173/assets/polyfills-legacy-c1ceefe8.js:1:26752)
   at $u (http://localhost:4173/assets/polyfills-legacy-c1ceefe8.js:1:24220)"

I created a fresh bare-bones app and still get the error:

npm create vite@latest
-- inputs: test-app, React, JavaScript

cd test-app
npm install
npm install --save-dev --save-exact @vitejs/plugin-legacy


import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import legacy from '@vitejs/plugin-legacy';
import react from '@vitejs/plugin-react'

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [react(),
      targets: ['ie >= 11'],
      additionalLegacyPolyfills: ['regenerator-runtime/runtime'],
      polyfills: ['es.array.iterator']

npm run build && npm run preview

Open site in edge, turn on IE Mode. Blank screen.
Open “IEChooser” for dev tools by running command %systemroot%system32f12IEChooser.exe, and am given the error above in the console.

How do I fix this error?