Testing the function in typescript

Hi all i am very new to typescript i have written test cases for the routes in my project

My route.test.ts file

import request from "supertest";
import { app} from "../..";

describe('Virtual Class test',()=>{

    //getting the student with valid id's
    describe('get student',()=>{
        it('it should return student link based on id',async()=>{
            const res=await request(app).get('/api/v1/virtual_class/student?meetingId=12316sa&contactId=0037200000AxrvUAAR');

    //getting the student with invalid id's
    describe('get student',()=>{
        it('it should return student link based on id',async()=>{
            const res=await request(app).get('/api/v1/virtual_class/student?meetingId=12316sa&contactId=003720R');

      //if the params are missing
      describe('get student',()=>{
        it('it should return student link based on id',async()=>{
            const res=await request(app).get('/api/v1/virtual_class/student?meetingId=12316sa');

    //If we don't have params to fetch faculty link
    describe('get faculty',()=>{
        it('return the faculty based on data we are passing',async()=>{
            const res=await request(app).post('/api/v1/virtual_class/faculty').send({
                redirectUrl: "redirectUrl",
                meetingId: "meetingId",
                meetingName: "meetingName",
                fullName: "fullName",
                contactId: "contactId",

     //get faculty link by passing params
     describe('get faculty',()=>{
        it('return the faculty based on data we are passing',async()=>{
            const res=await request(app).post('/api/v1/virtual_class/faculty').send({
                redirectUrl: "redirectUrl",
                meetingId: "meetingId",
                meetingName: "meetingName",
                fullName: "fullName",
                contactId: "contactId",
                email: "email",
                courseOfferingId: "courseOfferingId",
                startTime: "startTime",
                endTime: "endTime",
                sessionName: "sessionName",
                date: "date",
                sessionId: "sessionId",

This is working as expected but is there any way to test the specific function ,all the exported function from a file

My function
static startAttendance = async (
meetingId: string,
req: express.Request,
res: express.Response
) => {
try {
const config: string = await configHelper.getConfigData();
const data = JSON.parse(config);
const configdata: any = JSON.parse(data);
const channel = configdata.virtualClass;
switch (channel) {
case “zoom”:
zoomHelper.processZoomMeeting(req, res);
case “bbb”:
case “meet”:
meetHelper.generateMeetingLink(req, res);
} catch (err) {
console.log(“Error in Start Attendence”, err);

May be similiar to the function on the top