Setting Correct Boolean Conditions

I am working on practicing booleans (where in the code below, I’m representing the number of times a fruit is counted, essentially that number will be what they can afford to the price, if that makes sense) and the code I am working on seems to be working, but the conditionals I have set are only returning as false and not as true and vice versa when they are swapped.

I’m just wondering if there is an issue with the logic that I currently have.

Here is the data that I have:

items = {
    count: 100,
    fruits: [
      { id: 'apple', price: 50 },
      { id: 'orange', price: 200 },
      { id: 'banana', price: 500 }

    ('returns true if the person can afford the item', function() {
      const result = code.affordItem(items, 'apple');
    ('returns false if person cannot afford the item', function() {
      const result = code.affordItem(items, 'orange');

Here is the code that I have:

  function affordItem(items, itemId) {
  if (items.count >= items.fruits.quantity && === itemId) {
    return true;
  } else {
    return false;

Any guidance would be much appreciated!