class.function() is not a function

I have here a class that builds a linkedlist for me to store users who are in a chat room for a small application. I have constructed the class to have an .toArray function because I am storing the array version on the frontend in React as of now. However when I call the function it produces this error: TypeError: roomLinkedList.toArray is not a function. I cannot seem to find a concrete explanation to fix the issue in the future. If there is something fundamentally wrong with the structure of the code, please feel me in. Thank you.

*NOTE: I did also create a separate type to try and see if that would help work instead of using the default class type and both do not work as well.

LinkedList Class

export class LinkedList {
  head: Node;
  tail: Tail;
  length: number;
  constructor(User: User) {
    this.head = {
      val: User,
      next: null,
    this.tail = this.head;
    this.length = 1;
  async add(member: User) {
    const newMember: User = member;
    newMember.position = ++this.length;
    const Node: Node = { val: member, next: null };
    this.tail!.next = Node;
    this.tail = Node;
    return 0;
  async toArray() {
    let arr: Array<User> = [],
      i = 0;
    while (i < this.length) {
      if (this.head.val != null) {
        const USER: User = {
          position: this.head.val.position,
          username: this.head.val.username,
    return arr;
  async remove(User: User) {
    const parentNode = await this.get(User.position - 1);
    return 0;
  async get(Index: number) {
    let count: number = 0;
    let currNode: Node | null = this.head;
    while (count < Index) {
      currNode = currNode!.next;
    return currNode as Node;
  async exist(User: User) {
    const node = await this.get(User.position);
    if ( === return true;
    return false;

LinkedList Type

import { User } from "./User";

export type Node = { val: User; next: Node | null };
export type Tail = Node | null;

export type LinkedList = {
  head: Node;
  tail: Tail;
  length: number;
  add(member: User): Promise<number>;
  toArray(): Promise<User[]>;
  remove(User: User): Promise<number>;
  get(Index: number): Promise<Node>;
  exist(User: User): Promise<boolean>;

Room Type

import { LinkedList } from "./LinkedList";

export type Room = {
  key: string;
  name: string;
  maxCapacity: number;
  members: LinkedList | null;

Area where logic is breaking

socket.on("join-room", async (data: JoinRoomDatagram) => {
      const ROOM: Room = await _searchForRoom(data.roomID);
      const roomLinkedList: LinkedList = ROOM.members as LinkedList;
      if ( > 0) {
        if (roomLinkedList.length >= ROOM.maxCapacity) {
          socket.emit("room-status", { msg: "full" });

        const Users: User[] = await roomLinkedList.toArray();
        const foundUser = Users.find((User) => {
          return User.username == data.user.username;
        if (!foundUser) {
          const newMember: User = {
            position: 0,
            username: data.user.username,
          const result = await roomLinkedList.add(newMember);
          if (result != 0) {
            console.log("Error: Could not add member to list.");
      } else {
        socket.emit("room-status", { msg: "error" });

      const roomArray = await roomLinkedList.toArray();
      socket.emit("all-users", { users: roomArray });
      await _updateRoom(ROOM);