TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading ‘save’)

I am coding a premium system for my bot and it worked for like 1 day. Now I am getting this error. I hope somebody can help me! It would be really cool! https://imgur.com/a/NVfjB7l
This is my error message. I tried to solve it for 2 days but never find an answere. Hopefully you can.

Here is my code:

const { Command } = require("reconlx");
const moment = require("moment");
const schema = require("../../Models/code.js");
const User = require("../../Models/User");

module.exports = new Command({
  // options
  name: "redeem",
  description: `redeem preium code`,
  userPermissions: ["ADMINISTRATOR"],
  category: "Premium",
  options: [
      name: "code",
      description: `give me code`,
      type: "STRING",
      required: true,
  // command start
  run: async (  client, interaction, args ) => {
    // Code
    // Check if the user with a unique ID is in our database.
    let user = await User.findOne({ Id: interaction.member.id });

    // Check Users input for a valid code. Like `!redeem ABCD-EFGH-IJKL`
    let code = interaction.options.getString("code");

    // Return an error if the User does not include any Premium Code
    if (!code) {
      interaction.followUp(`**Please specify the code you want to redeem!**`);

    // If the user is already a premium user, we dont want to save that so we return it.
    if (user && user.isPremium) {
      return interaction.followUp(`**> You already are a premium user**`);

    // Check if the code is valid within the database
    const premium = await schema.findOne({
      code: code.toUpperCase(),

    // Set the expire date for the premium code
    if (premium) {
      const expires = moment(premium.expiresAt).format(
        "dddd, MMMM Do YYYY HH:mm:ss"

      // Once the code is expired, we delete it from the database and from the users profile
      if (moment().isAfter(premium.expiresAt)) {
        user.isPremium = false;
        return interaction.followUp(
          `**> The code you have entered is expired!**`

      // Save the User within the Database
      user = await user.save({ new: true }).catch(() => {});
      client.userSettings.set(interaction.member.id, user);
      await premium.deleteOne().catch(() => {});

      // Send a success message once redeemed
        `**You have successfully redeemed premium!**nn`Expires at: ${expires}``

      // Error message if the code is not valid.
    } else {
      return interaction.followUp(
        `**The code is invalid. Please try again using valid one!**`

It was running for 1 Day. Idk how lol. But after I woke up and wanted to redeem a code. It says the error.

Maybe one of you knows why.