Nested routing react-router-dom v6 not working

I am following this project. But I am stuck on converting the nested routed in version6 of react-router-dom.

In V5 it is as follows:


  return (
        <Header />
          <Route exact path='/' component={HomePage} />
          <Route path='/shop' component={ShopPage} />
          <Route exact path='/checkout' component={CheckoutPage} />
            render={() =>
              this.props.currentUser ? (
                <Redirect to='/' />
              ) : (
                <SignInAndSignUpPage />


      const ShopPage = ({ match }) => (
  <div className='shop-page'>
    <Route exact path={`${match.path}`} component={CollectionsOverview} />
    <Route path={`${match.path}/:collectionId`} component={CollectionPage} />

I want to convert it in V6 and I had tried as follows:

My App.js

return (
  <div >
    <Header />
      <Route path='/' element={<HomePage />} />
      <Route path='/shop' element={<ShopPage />} />
      <Route path='/checkout' element={<CheckoutPage />} />
      <Route path='/signin' element={<>
        {this.props.currentUser ?
          <Navigate to="/" />
          <SignInAndSignUpPage />



      <Route path='/signin' element={this.props.user ? <Navigate to="/" /> : <SignInAndSignUpPage />} />


My Shopage

    const ShopPage = () => {
    let { pathname } = useLocation();

    return (
        <div className='shop-page'>
                <Route path={`${pathname}`} element={<CollectionsOverview />} />
                <Route path={`${pathname}/:collectionId`} element={<CollectionItems />} />

In pathname console log I am getting /shop but the items are not showing.
How can acheive nested routing in v6?