How to hide API keys using Vanillas JS

Is this possible? I’m doing a Frontend mentor challenge that connects and pulls Github user information after searching for a user. Everything works and is connected. I’m ready to push my code and submit my project but I would like to hide my API keys. I’m fairly new to JS, is there a way to do this without NodeJS? I’ve removed the keys themselves but this is where I am fetching the API data.

class Github {
  constructor() {
    this.client_id = CLIENT_ID_GOES_HERE;
    this.client_secret = CLIENT_SECRET_GOES_HERE;

  async getUser(user) {
    const profileResponse = await fetch(`${user}?client_id=${this.client_id}&client_secret=${this.client_secret}`);

    const profileData = await profileResponse.json();


    return {