Hello,I want the js function return the result but it show errorPromise {: undefined}

    if (window.ethereum) {
        const ethereum = window.ethereum;
        const web3 = new Web3(ethereum);
        const ethereum_account = ethereum.request({ method: 'eth_requestAccounts' });
        const ct = new web3.eth.Contract(abi, contract);

        try {
            await ethereum_account.then(accounts => {
                ct.methods.transfer(toaddress, web3.utils.toWei(value, "ether")).send({ 'from': ethereum.selectedAddress }).on('receipt', (receipt) => {
                    const result = {}
                    console.log(result) // I can see the result at console
                    return result //but I cannot get the return

        } catch (error) {

Im new for code js,
I want the function return the result , but it shows undefine!