Mapbox zoom level per country

Hi i’m trying to find a way to show a country by a country code in Mapbox.

I’m using country-iso-to-coordinates to get the coordinates by country code

For example searching FR (France) i’m getting 2.213749, 46.227638 as center points. This works, but i’d like to set the zoom level fitting the country’s boundaries. France for example looks perfect at zoom level 4.3, while big countries like Russia or China need zoom level ~ 2.2

data() {
    return {
        accessToken: 'xxxxx',
        mapStyle: 'mapbox://styles/psteger/cl0y1upof001f16sxix3n00oe',
        center: [10, 51],
        zoom: 4.3,
        minZoom: 2.2,
        maxZoom: 14,
        markers: [],
        params: {
            access_token: 'xxxxx',
            country: 'de',
            language: 'en'
mounted() {
    const coordinates = IsoToLatLong[this.userCountry]; = [coordinates.coordinate[1], coordinates.coordinate[0]]

How can i find a good zoom level per country without manually trying and writing a list for each single country? Is there a package with ratios of each country so i could calculate the zoom levels or can mapbox set a zoom level by a country’s borders?

Thanks for any help!