Angular js adding attribute directive from another directive

Pretend I have this:
<span ng-bind="value" my-dir my-dir-param="value"></span>
So my-dir is a custom directive that adds another directive to an existing element.
I guess it gonna look like this (skipping everything except some props from dir. def. object:

priority: 1001,
terminal: true
compile: function(el, attrs) {
 attrs.$set("some_directive", "placeholder_text");
 var compiled = $compile(el, null, 1001);
 return function linkFn(scope, el, attrs) {
  ...some extra logic here...

I’ve tried to do such away and the problem is that ng-bind will bind on value from the directive scope, not the outer scope. I don’t want to affect scopes from which other directives absorb values. What I want is that by adding my-dir directive I will apply “some_directive” and that won’t affect the values that other directives receive. Thank you