I have a problem with Flask and Javascript. I want to use a website to control a minirobot with joysticks. I have found nippleJS (https://github.com/yoannmoinet/nipplejs) and included it to my website. I can print the joystick values to the web console, but i need those values at my pythonscript for the robot control. Can anybody help me please? Here is my code: HTML:
<script src="{{url_for('static', filename='nippleJS.js')}}"></script>
var joystickL = nipplejs.create({
zone: document.getElementById('left'),
mode: 'static',
position: { left: '20%', top: '50%' },
color: 'green',
size: 200
var joystickR = nipplejs.create({
zone: document.getElementById('right'),
mode: 'static',
position: { left: '80%', top: '50%' },
color: 'red',
size: 200,
lockY: 1
joystickL.on('move', function (evt, nipple) {
var dis = nipple.distance;
var angle = nipple.angle.radian;
var pos = nipple.position;
console.log(angle); </script>
And here is my Flask Code:
from flask import Flask, render_template, request, redirect, url_for, jsonify
app = Flask(__name__)
@app.route("/", methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def home():
if request.method == 'POST':
if request.form['btn'] == 'Demo Programme':
return redirect(url_for('demo'))
elif request.form['btn'] == 'Manuelle Steuerung':
return redirect(url_for('steuerung'))
elif request.form['btn'] == 'Erweiterte Optionen':
return redirect(url_for('optionen'))
return render_template('home.html')