Can’t perform a React state update on an unmounted component on class type

I am writing an application in React and was unable to avoid a super common pitfall, which is calling setState(…) after componentWillUnmount(…).

I looked very carefully at my code and tried to put some guarding clauses in place, but the problem persisted and I am still observing the warning.

Therefore, I’ve got two questions:

How do I figure out from the stack trace, which particular component and event handler or lifecycle hook is responsible for the rule violation?
Well, how to fix the problem itself, because my code was written with this pitfall in mind and is already trying to prevent it, but some underlying component’s still generating the warning.

enter image description here


import React, { Component } from "react";
import "./2048Game.css";
import Grid from "./Grid";
import NumberTable from "./NumberTable";
import Score from "./Score";
import Hover from "./Hover";

class Puzzle extends Component {
  _isMounted = false;
  constructor(props) {

    this.state = {
      grid: new Grid(),
      best: 0,
      beginX: 0,
      beginY: 0,
      endX: 0,
      endY: 0,
      enableSwipe: false,

  static getPosDuringEvent(e) {
    let X, Y;
    if (e.touches) {
      X = e.touches[0].screenX;
      Y = e.touches[0].screenY;
    } else {
      X = e.screenX;
      Y = e.screenY;
    return [X, Y];

  // 컴포넌트가 생성되고 render 호출 후, 최초 한번
  componentDidMount() {
    let events = {
      keydown: this.onKeyPressed,
      touchstart: this.onTouchStart,
      mousedown: this.onTouchStart,
      touchmove: this.onTouchMove,
      touchend: this.onTouchEnd,
      mousemove: this.onTouchMove,
      mouseup: this.onTouchEnd,
      gesturestart: this.onGestureStart,

    this._isMounted = true;

    for (let e in events) {
      document.addEventListener(e, events[e].bind(this));

  componentWillUnmount() {
    this._isMounted = false;

  onKeyPressed(e) {
    let legalKey = false;
    let grid = this.state.grid;
    const actionMap = { 37: "left", 38: "up", 39: "right", 40: "down" };
    if (e.keyCode >= 37 && e.keyCode <= 40) {
      let action = actionMap[e.keyCode];
      legalKey = grid.action(action);
    if (legalKey) {
    this.setState({ grid: grid });

  onTouchStart(e) {
    let [X, Y] = Puzzle.getPosDuringEvent(e);
      beginX: X,
      beginY: Y,
      endX: X,
      endY: Y,
      enableSwipe: true,

  onTouchMove(e) {
    let [X, Y] = Puzzle.getPosDuringEvent(e);
    this.setState({ endX: X, endY: Y });

  onTouchEnd(e) {
    let grid = this.state.grid;
    let [beginX, beginY] = [this.state.beginX, this.state.beginY];
    let [endX, endY] = [this.state.endX, this.state.endY];
    if (
      Math.pow(endX - beginX, 2) + Math.pow(endY - beginY, 2) > 10 &&
    ) {
      let action = "";
      if (Math.abs(beginX - endX) > Math.abs(beginY - endY)) {
        action = beginX < endX ? "right" : "left";
      } else {
        action = beginY < endY ? "down" : "up";
      if (grid.action(action)) {
    this.setState({ grid: grid, enableSwipe: false });

  onGestureStart(e) {
    this.setState({ enableSwipe: false });

  restart() {
    this.setState({ grid: new Grid() });

  updateBest() {
    if (this.state.grid.score > {
      this.setState({ best: this.state.grid.score });

  render() {
    return (
        <div id={"score-group"}>
          <Score info={"SCORE"} score={this.state.grid.score} />
          <Score info={"BEST"} score={} />
        <NumberTable numbers={this.state.grid.numbers} />

export default Puzzle;

I also used _isMounted. Is there anyone who can convert these codes in class type into function types?
Then I can useEffect(), but I can’t change it. Help me.