make the navbar rensposive add checkscreen command or something similar

Heading ##i want to make the navbar rensponsive, changing between desktop nav and mobilenav depanding the scaling of the screen.

Also make the sidepanel open and close with the same button .

<script setup>
import { onMounted, ref,  } from "@vue/runtime-core";

const windWidth = ref(null);
const desktopNav = ref(null);
const mobileNav = ref(null);
const mySidepanel = ref(null);

const openNav = () => {
  mySidepanel.value = {
    width: "250px",

const closeNav = () => {
  mySidepanel.value = {
    width: "0",

onMounted(() => {
  windWidth.value = window.innerWidth;
  if (windWidth.value >= 750) {
    desktopNav.value = {
      display: "block",

    mobileNav.value = {
      display: "none",
  } else if (750 >= windWidth.value) {
    desktopNav.value = {
      display: "none",
    mobileNav.value = {
      display: "block",
  window.addEventListener('resize', this.onMounted);