Creating an array in React and populating with values

I’m trying to create an array and then populate it using a function. I’m basically working on a retirement calculator application and I have a couple of initial values including age, retirement age, salary, salary increase, contribution to savings, savings, and interest rate on savings which I’m getting through a form. Next using those values as a starting point I want to create a table which will show the salary, savings, increase, etc for each year starting from the user’s starting age up until their retirement age. Similar to on this website

So basically showing the yearly savings balance until retirement. My idea was to calculate these values and store it in an array and then map it onto a table. I’m very new to React and web programming in general so I honestly have no idea what I’m doing. Any help or suggestions are appreciated.

const Results = ({results}) => {

var age = results.age;
var retAge = results.retAge;
//var yearsToRet = retAge - age;
var salary = results.salary;
var increase = results.increase;
var cont = results.cont;
var savings = results.savings;
var interest = results.interest;
var retSavings = savings;

//To format the results as dollar value
const formatter = new Intl.NumberFormat("en-US", {style: "currency", currency: "USD", minimumFractionDigits: 2})

//Calculating savings during retirement
for(var i = age; i < retAge; ++i)
    //new salary with increase
    salary += salary * (increase/100);
    retSavings +=  salary*(cont/100) + retSavings*(interest/100); 

const savingsList = [
        age: results.age,
        retAge: results.retAge,
        salary: results.salary,
        increase: results.increase,
        cont: results.cont,
        savings: results.savings,
        interest: results.interest,
        retSavings: savings,

    <><div className='results'>
        <h3> At retirement age of {retAge}, {} will have a total savings of {formatter.format(retSavings)}</h3>
