h2 field not updating with values

I am trying to update the h2 field in index.html with the ID “summary” with the values inside of index.html (refer to line 87 in there, that is where I am having a problem).

I want the text that says “test” to change to a string with those four variables.

For context, this application is a health risk calculator for a class assignment that is supposed to calculate your supposed health risk based on BMI, blood pressure, family history, and age. We are supposed to have the calculations run on server side for the purposes of the assignment, which I have implemented successfully. However, I need to provide a summary of the values used in the calculation, which is for some reason, giving me a major headache. I thought this would be an easy fix but I am obviously missing something stupid.

Let me know what I am missing please.


<h2 id="summary">test</h2>

In JavaScript file in an app.get block that is called from HTML vvv

document.getElementById("summary").innerHTML =  ("(Age Risk: " + ageNum + ", Family History Risk: " + famHistNum + ", BMI Risk: " + bmiNum + "Blood Risk: " + bloodRisk);