What is the difference between these two singleton approaches in JS?

The way to solve the singleton pattern in JS (TS actually) is looks like this (the best approach if you ask me):

export default class Singleton {
    private static _instance: Selection

    constructor() {
        if (Selection._instance) {
            return Singleton._instance
        } else {
            Singleton._instance = this

And then:

import Singleton from './Singleton.ts'

const singleton_1 = new Singleton()
const singleton_2 = new Singleton()

singleton_1 === singleton_2 // true

But in this scenario I have to create new variables every time I need that class.

I can achieve exactly the same the easier way:

class Singleton {
    constructor() {
        // some logic

export default new Singleton()
import Singleton from './Singleton.ts'

const wut = Singleton.field
Singleton.method('do something')

Am I getting something wrong or the first approach is a little bit excessive and complicated and the second one just do the same thing in more obvious way?

I understand that if I have static fields in my class, I couldn’t use it that way, but cases when you really need static fields are rare.