Best functional-style syntax to build this object?

The below code achieves desired output. Is there a more elegant way to do this?

For example, is there some native javascript function like flatMap etc that would help?

(I know I could get rid of the intermediate variable pieces).

const config = {
    fieldName1: {
        validation: "schema1",
        value: "abcvalue here"
    fieldName2: {
        validation: "schema2",
        value: "abcvalue here"

// Desired output: 
// {
//     fieldName1: "schema1",
//     fieldName2: "schema2",
//     ...
// }
const extractValidation = (config) => {
    const pieces = Object.entries(config).map(
        ([key, val]) => ({
            [key]: val.validation
    return Object.assign({}, ...pieces)
