What do I put in my form action when the router.post() has an :id

I am not sure how to submit data to my update form and what I have to put in the action field as the router.post has an :id. Below is my code:

router.post('/gymupdate/:id',async(req,res) => {

      let gymName = req.body.firstname;
      let location = req.body.city;
      let phoneNumber = req.body.mobile;
      let priceRange = req.body.price;
      let id = req.params.id;

      if(!id) throw 'Pleaase provide an id';
      var checkForHexRegExp = new RegExp("^[0-9a-fA-F]{24}$");
      if(checkForHexRegExp.test(id)===false) throw 'Not a valid objectid';
      const updategym = await gymData.update(id,gymName,location,phoneNumber,priceRange)
      else {
          res.status(500).render('gymbars/updategym', {title: "Error", error: 'Internal Server Error'})
      res.status(400).render('gymbars/updategym', {title: "Error", error: e})


<form method="POST" action="/gyms/gymupdate/:id" id="signup-form" class="signup-form"></form>

The content in the action does not work, so how do I add id field to the action part similar to the router.post method?