Shouldn’t using spread syntax not reference the original array?

I have an Object array in my state called names, i’m trying to make a copy of this array to another Object array in state called shuffledNames, but when i shuffle the shuffledNames using the code below, the original names changes the ids to match the new shuffled ids. See images below for an example. I’ve tryed using .concat(), .slice(). I do not know what to try anymore.

  handleSort = () => {
    let tempName = [...this.state.names];

    let shuffledNames = tempName;

    for (let i = shuffledNames.length; i-- > 1; ) {
      let j = Math.floor(Math.random() * i);
      let temp = shuffledNames[i];
      shuffledNames[i] = shuffledNames[j];
      shuffledNames[j] = temp;

    shuffledNames.forEach((shuffledName, index) => { = index;

    this.setState({ shuffledNames: shuffledNames });

This is my state before shuffling

This is my state after shuffling