I have a question about Qualtrics looping.
For example, the page can have three questions. The first one is an upload of a file. The second is the text field that allow comments of the file just uploaded. The third question asking whether there is more file to upload. If the answer to the third question is “yes”, then the click of “next page” button will loop back to the same page, with the only minor change of wording in display such as, from the “1st” file to the “2nd” file uploading. If the answer to the third question is “no”, the click of “next page” button will go to next block in the survey.
How do we accomplish this? I think the built-in branch or loop & merge may not work. If we need to use javascript to re-direct the “next page” button, how do we do it?
I looked at the built-in loop & merge in the builder tab and I could not find a way to work-around.