Reactivity in $effect goes away if I remove a console.log()

I have a $state with an array:

let clicks = $state([])

I have an effect, which references the clicks state:

$effect(() => {
    // Box selection
    if (autoDetectSettings.value.mode === 'box' && drawingBox && clicks.length === 2) {
        const poly = objectSchema.parse({
            id: createId(),
            type: 'poly',
            coords: [
                { x: clicks[0].x, y: clicks[0].y },
                { x: clicks[0].x, y: clicks[1].y },
                { x: clicks[1].x, y: clicks[1].y },
                { x: clicks[1].x, y: clicks[0].y },
            color: '#ffffff',
            opacity: 0.15,
            stroke_color: '#ffffff',
            stroke_opacity: 1,
            stroke_width: 2,
            blend_mode: 'normal',

Adding an $inspect shows that the value of clicks is updating, but the effect is not triggering. Adding a console.log(clicks) at the start of the effect fixes the issue. What am I doing wrong?