I’m newbie and this is my 1st question on stackoverflow. Please help me.
When I click on “Start game” button I got two cards (i.e.: Cards: 6 7) and this is Ok.
But when I click on “New card” button, the 1st and 2nd card are displayed another time with the 3rd card (i.e. 6 7 6 7 11). Thanks for your help.
let cards = []
let sum = 0;
let hasBlackJack = false
let isAlive = false;
let message = "";
let messageEl = document.getElementById("message-el");
let cardsEl = document.getElementById("cards-el");
let sumEl = document.getElementById("sum-el");
let player = document.getElementById("player-el");
let players = {
name : "Moez",
chips : 195
player.innerText = players.name + ": $" + players.chips;
function getRandomCard(){
let randomCard = Math.floor(Math.random() * 13) + 1;
if (randomCard === 1) {
return 11;
} else if (randomCard > 10) {
return 10;
} else {
return randomCard;
function startGame() {
isAlive = true;
let firstCard = getRandomCard();
let secondCard = getRandomCard();
cards = [firstCard, secondCard];
sum = firstCard + secondCard;
cardsEl.innerText = "Cards: ";
for (let i=0; i<cards.length; i++) {
cardsEl.innerText += " " + cards[i] + " ";
sumEl.innerText = "Sum: " + sum;
if (sum <= 20) {
message = "Do you want to draw a new card?"
} else if (sum === 21) {
message = "Wohoo! You've got Blackjack!";
hasBlackJack = true;
} else {
message = "You're out of the game!";
isAlive = false;
messageEl.innerText = message;
function newCard() {
if (isAlive = true && hasBlackJack === false) {
let thirdCard = getRandomCard();
sum = sum + thirdCard;
for (let i=0; i<cards.length; i++) {
cardsEl.innerText += " " + cards[i] + " ";
sumEl.innerText = "Sum: " + sum;
if (sum <= 20) {
message = "Do you want to draw a new card?"
} else if (sum === 21) {
message = "Wohoo! You've got Blackjack!";
hasBlackJack = true;
} else {
message = "You're out of the game!";
isAlive = false;
messageEl.innerText = message;
I want that when I click on “New card” I got only the 3rd card displayed next to the 1st and 2nd card.