Change Color TextArea NextUI

I have a React JS web app. I have a custom theme, all components change color but not TextArea. When I watch inspector, TextAra use “–nextui-default-100: 240 3.7% 15.88%;” but I tried to define it to tailwind.config.js but still not working.

How to change backgroundcolor of TextArea with NextUI ?

const { nextui } = require("@nextui-org/react");

/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
module.exports = {
  content: [
  theme: {
    extend: {},
  darkMode: "class", // or 'media'
  plugins: [
      themes: {
        "blue-gray-dark": {
          extend: "dark",
          colors: {
            "nextui-default-100": "#4299e1", 
            background: "#1A202C",  // Teinte gris foncé
            foreground: "#E2E8F0",  // Gris clair pour le texte
            primary: {
              50: "#2a4365",      // Bleu foncé pour les nuances légères
              100: "#2c5282",
              200: "#2b6cb0",
              300: "#3182ce",
              400: "#4299e1",
              500: "#63b3ed",     // Bleu principal
              600: "#4299e1",
              700: "#3182ce",
              800: "#2b6cb0",
              900: "#2c5282",
              DEFAULT: "#2b6cb0",
              foreground: "#E2E8F0", // Gris clair pour le texte sur fond bleu
            focus: "#3182ce", // Bleu plus vif pour les éléments en focus
          layout: {
            disabledOpacity: "0.3",
            radius: {
              small: "4px",
              medium: "6px",
              large: "8px",
            borderWidth: {
              small: "1px",
              medium: "2px",
              large: "3x",