Is there a more efficient way to code mousepressed() function?

I am trying to code a snooker game in JavaScript with only using the libraries: p5.min.js, p5.sound.min.js and matter.js.

Here is my code:

function mousePressed() {
 var force = 1000; 
 var forceX = (cueBall.position.x-mouseX)/force;
 var forceY = (cueBall.position.y- mouseY)/force;
 var magnitude = Math.sqrt(forceX * forceX + forceY * forceY);
 if (magnitude > 1) {
    var scale = 1 / magnitude;
    forceX *= scale;
    forceY *= scale;

 var appliedForce = {x:forceX,y:forceY};

This is to meant to apply a force on the cue ball by clicking on the mouse.

I am wondering if there a better way to apply the force and also limit the force on the cue ball?