Remove all instances of text between a delimiter, and remove the delimiters too [duplicate]

The delimiter is a colon : and the format will always be a word bookended by colons. That pattern may appear more than once in the overall string. The word or characters bookended by colons are not predictable.

I need to remove the word between the colons, and the colons, and any remaining white space that was related to those colon-bookended words.

I’m close, but the regex needs work. I’m not good at regex. Here’s what I have so far:

const remove = (string) => string.replace(/ *:[^)]*: */g, '')

// Output should be 'Hello World'
const example1 = ':stuff: Hello World'
// >>> "Hello World"

// Output should be 'Goodbye World'
const example2 = ':stuff: Goodbye World :stuff:'
// >>> ""

// Output should be 'Hello Again'
const example3 = ':stuff::stuff:Hello Again'
// >>> "Hello Again"

// Output should be 'Goodbye Again'
const example4 = ':stuff: :stuff:    Goodbye Again'
// >>> "Goodbye Again"

// Output should be ''
const example5 = ':stuff::stuff::stuff:'
// >>> ""

It worked in 4 of the 5 examples, except for example2 where the regex matched and removed the value Goodbye World because it was between two colons.

How can I adjust this?