Loop until find an array empty in Javascript

I’m trying to find a solution to make a loop (Javascript) until the array of object is empty. Here the object that I want to use :

"chain": {
    "evolves_to": [{
        "evolves_to": [{
            "evolves_to": [],
            "species": {
                "name": "nidoqueen"
        "species": {
            "name": "nidorina"
    "species": {
        "name": "nidoran-f"

I would like to loop until to find the variable evolves_to empty. and in each loop using the species.name, to list the evolution, in my case :
nidoran-f -> nidorina -> nidoqueen

I can not find yet a good way to do it. A bit lost. Thank you for your help 😉