Obfuscate email address to hide from scrapers?

I want to hide my personal data (email and phone) from scrapers and bots. This data is in the href of anchor tags. Of course, actual users should still be able to have functional clickable links.

I was thinking to use a simple JavaScript function to encrypt and decrypt the data so that patterns matchers (*@*.* etc) who only get the HTML code won’t find the actual email address.

So my encryption function is to convert the string to a list of character codes, incrementing all list elements by 1, and converting it back to a string. See below for the code.

My question: Is this an adequate way to hide data from scrapers? Or does every scraper render JS nowadays?

The code:

function stringToCharCodes(string) {
    // Returns a list of the character codes of a string
    return [...string].map(c => c.charCodeAt(0))

function obfuscate(string) {
    // Obfuscate - Use developer tools F12 to run this once and then use the obfuscated string in your website

    // String to character codes
    let charCodes = stringToCharCodes(string);

    // Obfuscate function (+1)
    let obfCharCodes = charCodes.map(e => e += 1);

    // Character codes back to string 
    // Use spread operator ...
    return String.fromCharCode(...obfCharCodes);

function deobfuscate(obfString) {
    // String to character codes
    let obfCharCodes = stringToCharCodes(obfString);

    // Deobfuscate function (-1)
    let deobfCharCodes = obfCharCodes.map(e => e -= 1);

    // Character codes back to string 
    // Use spread operator ...
    return String.fromCharCode(...deobfCharCodes);

// Result of obfuscate("[email protected]")
let obfEmail = "fybnqmfAfybnqmf/dpn";  
document.getElementById("email").href = "mailto:" + deobfuscate(obfEmail);

// Result of obfuscate("31612345678")
let obfPhone = "42723456789";
document.getElementById("whatsapp").href = "https://wa.me/" + deobfuscate(obfPhone);

See a JSFiddle