How to loop through an array of objects and compare it with table data values?

My HTML table


            <tbody id="tableBody">


Sample table generation

var arrayofObjects = [{sID: 025, name: John Doe, average: 80}, {sID: 893, name: Jane Smith, average: 82}];

    function loadTable() {
                let table = document.getElementById("tableBody");
                table.innerHTML = "";
                let tr = "";
                vararrayofObjects.forEach(x => {
                    tr += '<tr>';
                    tr += '<td><a data-toggle="modal" data-target="#myModal1" id="sIDNum">' + x.sID + '</a></td>' + '<td>' + + '</td>' + '<td>' + x.average + '</td>';
                    tr += '</tr>'
                table.innerHTML += tr;

What I tried to get value of first column (sID) on click then loop through object array

const tableBody = document.querySelector('#tableBody');
        tableBody.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
            vararrayofObjects.forEach((element) => {
                if(element.sID == $('a').text()) {
                    var personName =;
                    var personID = $('#sIDNum').text();
                    var personAvg = "Average " + element.average;

Problem is that the if statement returns me all values of $('a').text()) instead of the one I clicked on. How do I properly implement it so that clicking on my anchor tag on the first column (sIDNum) will get its value, then use that value to loop through my object array and get the values of the object that matches with it?