How to reenable Intellisense/suggestions in VS Code (I may have accidentally removed the program’s path for the dictionary

I hope I’m using the correct terms here. In VS Code, I messed up the program’s Intellisense. It no longer shows most methods/options/suggestions (specifically for Javascript, I haven’t tried others. If I type ‘consol’ in an empty .js file, nothing pops up. If I type ‘console.l’ it will suggest ‘console.log’. But if I type ‘console.’, it won’t suggest anything at all. It used to, but I think I wrecked something when I was messing with deep program settings, trying to disable them (the wrong way).

What I’m looking for is this:
code suggestions
VS Code used to give Javascript suggestions like these, when typing built-in Javascript components, like Date, or Console.
But now, it only suggests things you’ve already typed, but that’s about it. The same code from above (the date), looks like this in VS Code:
vs code lacking suggestions

Nothing pops up when I get that ‘.’ after the variable name. No methods or suggestions whatsoever.

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.